2019 CrossFit Off the Grid Intramural Open!

Welcome to Open Season!

For our noobies out there, the CrossFit Open consists of 5 workouts spread across 5 weeks that aim to find the fittest people in the world. In 2018, over 429,000 people participated in the Open.

I know many of you will ask yourself, “Why should I do the Open? There’s no way I’m the fittest in the world.” For 99.99% of us, that is true and that’s why we are running the Intramural Open!

In the Intramural Open, you’ll have the ability to contribute to a team every single week no matter your score. Go above and beyond in your spirit or performance and you can contribute even more. Most importantly, it’ll be the highlight of fun and community in our gym.

So what exactly is the Intramural Open?
It all starts with you registering for our Intramural Open via this link: 2019intramuralopen.wodifylive.com
As registrations roll in, we will choose some of you awesome and fun folks to be team captains.

A few weeks before the Open begins, we will have our first amazing event…Draft Night! This is where teams and athletes find their match. Now don’t worry about being last pick – we have a fun way of doing it and it does not involve picking someone last based on skill.

While the draft is awesome, the real fun begins post draft night…recruiting season. You see each week during the Intramural Open, your team earns a point for every person on the team that completes the workout and submits a score. Which means…the bigger the team, the bigger the score.

So in the weeks between the draft and the first workout, your team actively recruits other athletes at our gym that haven’t signed up. You can bribe, beg, or do what you have to do to show them your team wants them the most!

Once teams are set and workouts begin, it’s quite simple.

1.) +1 Point = You can earn a point for your team by simply doing the workout and submitting your score.

2.) +1 Point = Every male AND female member who places among the Top 3 at Off the Grid for each workout gets an extra point for their team.

3.) +5 Points = If your team brings the most spirit in any given week then your team receives 5 extra points.

Captain selection: August 26 – Sept 2nd
4 captains will be selected:
Captains will be selected by September 2nd.
Captains are responsible for participating in the draft, operating their team’s private FB group, collect money for team uniforms, coordinating score submissions, coming up with a team name/logo (by Sept 26th) and leading their team towards greatness!
Captains will submit uniform money and team members shirt sizes by September 26th for order.

Draft: September 6th
The Draft will be held Friday, September 6th @ 7PM. Captains will make their team selections based from the pool of athletes pre-registered for the 2019 CF Games Open at the beginning of the draft meeting. The draft is open to the public for viewing pleasure at CFOTG or by FB live from home! Captains will select draft order out of a hat, then we will proceed into the draft as follows:

Round 1: 1-2-3-4
Round 2: Random Draw
Round 3: 2-3-4-1
Round 4: Random Draw
Round 5: 3-4-1-2
Round 6: Random Draw
Round 7: 4-1-2-3
Round 8: Random Draw etc.… until all the draft eligible athletes have been selected. Athletes will be draft eligible when… they have officially registered for the 2019 CrossFit Off the Grid Intramural Open via: 2019intramuralopen.wodifylive.com

Pre-Open: Upon completion of the draft – September 6th
The pre-open or free agent period will begin immediately upon completion of the draft. All other members of CFOTG who are not registered at the time of the draft are now free agents and can be recruited by captains. In order for any member to be placed on a team, they must be officially registered for The Intramural Open and the captain must announce their new team member via the captains only group. So, no two teams can lay claim to the same athlete. We will have a recruitment cap of 15 athletes until each team has reached 15 no other athletes may be added. *It is at the discretion of the athlete to choose his or her team

Open: October 10th – November 11th
This is where the participation begins! Each Thursday at 8pm, The Open workout will be announced and is to be completed by the submission deadline the following Monday. Every athlete can earn their team 1 point by completing the workout AND submitting their score by the Monday deadline.
Athletes can also earn their team a potential extra 3 points by taking a “Top 3” position in Men’s RX, Women’s RX, Men’s Scaled, Women’s Scaled. (Coaches are ineligible for adding extra “Top 3” points).
Any team who wins the weekly “Spirit of the Open” award will be given 5 points (criteria defined below).
There may be surprise opportunities for additional points during The Open. There will be an updated team standing after each week’s scores are submitted.

Bonus Event 6:
Stay tuned for a potential Event 6!

Post Open: November 23rd
After The Open is complete and the champions decided. We will host an Awards ceremony in honor of the new Intramural Champions, the Cup, Banner, and Championship medals are to be awarded. Food will be catered and family is welcome. The awards banquet will be Saturday November 23rd at 5pm.

Points and Scoring
Updated standings will be announced weekly via Email and CF Off the Grid Members Only FB Group.

Participation – 1 point for each team members completion and timely submittal of score.

Top 3 – 1 extra point for a Top 3 finish in each of the categories. Men’s RX, Women’s RX, Men’s Scaled, Women’s Scaled.

Spirit – 5 points to one team who has the most spirit. Captains shall submit their teams claim for spirit points based on the following criteria. In a paragraph format should include supporting images (will be voted on by coaches) to the captains only FB group by the WOD submission deadline (Monday evening).
Coaches will deliberate over the winners and complete deliberations by Tuesday at 5pm.
Final weekly scores will be tabulated and announced Wednesday at 5pm.

– Most inspiring moment from a participating athlete from the week. (ex. buzzer beater muscle up)
– Most energy.
– Embodied CF Off the Grid core values.
– Incredible accomplishment. (ex. first muscle up, 1000 DU’s in a row)

Example submission:
“Blazing Hips earned this week’s Spirit of the Open points. Blazing hipster Seamus Davis brought the entire gym to it’s feet with his incredible finish, he went unbroken on his final 50’ lunge walk to spare him 5s to finish the WOD with a muscle up in buzzer beater fashion! Not only were the Blazing Hips inspiring but they brought energy to every session, cheering and coaching all their athletes from GO to the buzzer, including coordinated chants! IT was a week of embodying what CF Off the Grid is all about by showing incredible perseverance when Celeste Deadlifted her 1RM 55 times even though it was tough you could see she wasn’t going to give up no matter what! More than all that Blazing Hips made incredible strides in accomplishment as Phil, Amanda, John and Ed all got their first Muscle Ups WOW!!!!”

When to complete the WOD:
Each Saturday during The Open, the class WOD will be The Open WOD. So, you may attend class as normal and participate then at 7:30, 8:30 or 9:30am.

On Sunday you will have the opportunity to complete the WOD during Open Gym time from 9-11am.

IF Saturday and Sunday do not allow for you to complete the given WOD we will make our best effort to allow you the space to complete the WOD during our normal operating hours on Monday. To ensure you have a judge, it is highly recommended that you pre-arrange for one (your captain should be able to help you find a judge).

The cost for participating in the Off the Grid Intramural Open = $0
The cost of registering for The CrossFit Games Open = $20, which you can do here. games.crossfit.com
The cost of Team Uniform (T-shirt) ~$20, give to your Captain. This is not required to participate.

Draft Night: September 6th @ 7pm
CF Games 2019 Open Announcement: October 10th @ 8pm
CF Games 2019 WOD 1: October 12th
Potential Event 6: November 14th
Awards Ceremony: November 23rd @ 5pm

Team Champions: Team with the most points after completion of the 6 weeks.
Intramural Open Championship Cup
Custom Team Banner
Championship Medals
Bragging Rights

How to prepare…

Skill Sessions: 30 minute 1-on-1 sessions with a coach to work on skills that will help you improve your performance in The Open. Skill sessions are great for: Double Unders, Repeating Box Jumps, Learning to Kip, getting your first Bar Muscle Up, Learning Olympic lifting technique. Schedule a goal setting session with a coach to determine what would work best for you!

CrossFit Classes: Attending regularly will help you build your base of fitness and understand your weaknesses. Get to at least 3 classes a week!

How to register…
For The Open: go to games.crossfit.com
For the Intramural Open: 2019intramuralopen.wodifylive.com

So, say you aren’t the best athlete in the gym. No big deal. Complete the workout and bring tons of spirit and you might make the biggest point contribution in the gym!

Folks, it’s totally normal to be a little nervous. But then again, you were all super nervous the first time you walked through our doors and you know how well that worked out. So make the leap, trust in us, and get ready for an amazing time!

Let’s do this!



This morning one of our awesome new clients asked one of our coaches and myself if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow


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