In-house Competition at CrossFit Off the Grid on December 12th!

Ugly Christmas Sweater In-house Competition at CrossFit Off the Grid!

toyslogoWe are excited to announce that we will be hosting our own Ugly Christmas Sweater in-house competition at CrossFit Off the Grid on December 12th, 2015!  This event is open to any current members and we encourage all of you to sign up.  In the spirit of the season, we have decided to ask that ALL members who register bring a new unwrapped toy that will be donated to a local “Toys for Tots” center.

In order to make this event accessible to all of our members, we have created an RX, Scaled, and Masters (over 40) division.  There will be prizes awarded to the top 3 male and female athletes in each division.  Overall, this is meant to be a fun event!  Please encourage your friends and family to come out to spectate and cheer you on. The more, the merrier. Please note: Ugly sweaters are not required, but are highly recommended.

Prizes for this event will be provided by (not pictured, CrossFit Off the Grid Massage):



In order to register to compete in this event, please go into Wodify and search December 12th. Please register for the division you would like to compete in! Registration will be open until December 10th, so make sure you sign up before that time. You may bring your toy donation with you the date of the event and it will be collected upon check-in.  Additionally, if you would like to volunteer to judge the competition, please register in Wodify under the same date, division: Judge.

If you have any questions, e-mail Kenny: [email protected]. See more details about the event below. Please note: There will not be any regularly scheduled classes held on December 12th.


Date: Saturday, December 12th, 2015


  • Check-in: 8:00am
  • Standards: 8:30am
  • First heat: 9:00am

Location: CrossFit Off the Grid

Registration: Wodify (search December 12th, register for your desired division)

Registration cutoff: December 10th, 2015

Price: Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots at the time of check-in

Following the competition, we will have a section reserved at House of Brews at 4pm so we can gather and celebrate the upcoming holidays together.  Each Off the Grid member who comes will receive one drink ticket and there will be some appetizers available. Spouses and partners are welcome as well.

The Competition WODs will be:

WOD 1-

All Divisions

7 minutes to establish 2RM Clean (power or full clean).

The 2 reps must be completed within 20 seconds of first touching the barbell.



21-15-9 of: 10 min cap

Cal Row, Thrusters 75/55#, Burpees

Scaled and Masters

21-15-9 of: 10 min cap

Cal Row, Thrusters 45/35#, Burpees

*All remaining reps after cap are counted as extra seconds



5 rds for time of: 12 min


5 Power Snatch 115/75#

7 T2B

9 Box Jumps 24/20”

Scaled and Masters

5 rds for time of: 12 min cap

3 Strict Press 65/45#

5 Power Cleans 65/45#

7 Sit-ups

9 Box Jumps or Step-ups 24/20”

*All remaining reps after cap are counted as extra seconds



This morning one of our awesome new clients asked one of our coaches and myself if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow


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