What’s the best plan to start working out again?

It’s 2020. 

You made it past the New Year, started planning your goals and races for the year ahead and all of the sudden the world comes screeching to a halt only three months into the year.

There are a lot of unknowns and questions as to how the next few weeks will play out.

You scramble to find a space in your home to continue your workout routine. You scour the internet for any and all equipment before the Great Workout Gear Drought of 2020 hits. You convert your basement or garage into your personal training studio despite your spouse knowing where all this new equipment is coming from. 

You make due, you get creative, you overcome and you adapt.

It’s now July, still no word on when gyms and fitness centers can resume operations indoors but Phase 2 of your local CrossFit box has begun!

Great news! You don’t have to suffer alone anymore!

You are finally back to some new kind of structure and don’t have to worry about kicking a hole in the wall while doing handstand push-ups!

What’s the best plan to start working out at the gym again?

Show up.

Realize that this is a fresh start for not only yourself, but everyone else who has had their world’s turned upside down. Realize that you have a unique opportunity to refocus, appreciate the small things and surround yourself with those who support you and push you to be the best version of yourself. Realize that now is not the time to compare to “how things were” or relish in the previous version of yourself.

We have all been presented with an opportunity to shift, refocus, and take advantage of a change to the definition of “normal.”

What’s your next step?

Let us help you achieve your ever evolving health and fitness goals.



This morning one of our awesome new clients asked one of our coaches and myself if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow


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