What’s Your Checklist?

Have you ever walked up to a barbell, went to pick it up, and everything felt wrong?

During each class, the coaches do their best to reiterate the major points of what we should be looking for or feeling when we do a certain lift.

Examples such as maintaining a flat back for a deadlift, having a proud chest in the rack position, or keeping your weight in the middle of your foot for squats.

But the one thing we can’t control is your mindset as you approach the barbell.

This is why you should have a checklist.

Now, I’m not saying you need a physical piece of paper with things written out and have a pen nearby to check it off. But what I am saying is that you should have a mental game plan approaching that bar.

The best lifters in the world will tell you, they cue themselves to make sure that when they are getting set-up for a lift, every single muscle is turned on and attentive.

This leads to less injuries and more personal records because we are putting that much attention to how we’re moving the bar, not just the load.

So what should you be saying yourself?

Whatever works for you!

Whether that includes cues the coach uses during the group warm-up or other phrases that stick better in your brain.

Either way, focus your attention on moving the bar well and I promise the PRs will come!

Not sure what your cues should be?

Set up a Free Goal Review with one of the Coaches and create your checklist! GOAL REVIEW



This morning one of our awesome new clients asked one of our coaches and myself if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow


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