If you’re new to CrossFit, or if you want to participate in your first CrossFit competition, join us for CrossFit Off the Grid’s First Annual Beginner’s Turkey Tussle Competition! We have TWO divisions for this newbie-friendly competition: Beginner (new to CrossFit – more or less than 6 months) and Intermediate (around 1 year of CrossFit experience).
Date: November 5th, 2016
Time:Competition begins at 9:00am. Arrive any time after 7:30am to check-in, standards begin at 8:30am.
Cost: $50/individual for beginner or intermediate ticket
Where: CrossFit Off the Grid, 1165 N. Tuckahoe Road, Williamstown, NJ 08094
Who: Men and Women, new to CrossFit (beginner = around 6 months CrossFitting, first competition; intermediate = around 1 year CrossFitting, possibly first competition)
We have designed the events for this competition to include some of the fundamental CrossFit movements, and some other “fun” stuff, too! Check out the WODs and standards below and SIGN UP! First, second and third place finishers for each division will receive a prize! We will also have vendors onsite the day of the event! Be sure to tell your friends and family to come cheer you on. For any questions: [email protected]
CrossFit Off the Grid’s First Annual Beginner’s Turkey Tussle CrossFit Competition WODS:
WOD 1: The Gobbler
10 Minutes to Build 1RM of:
1 Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
*Deadlift and hang power clean must be two separate movements; Hang power clean must be performed above the knee
WOD 2: Pilgrim Push and Pull
12 Minute AMRAP:
5 Banded Pull-ups
10 Hanging Knee Ups (int)/Sit-ups (beg)
15 Box Jumps (int)/Step-ups (beg)
20m Box Push
*Banded pull-ups: blue for intermediate, green for beginner, arms extended fully at the bottom of the pull-up and chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar; box will be on the 20″ side for jumps/step-ups and must be flipped to the 24″ side for pushes
WOD 3: Row Your Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
21-15-9 (int) or 15-12-9 (beg) of:
Calorie Row
Burpees to a 10lb plate
Squat Clean 75/55# (int) or Medicine Ball Squat Cleans 20/14# (beg)
*10 Minute Cap; Burpees to a plate must be a two foot take off; Must stand and fully open hips before dropping the barbell/med ball for the next rep.
WOD 4: Trotting Turkey Tester
Max Distance Broad Jump
*Competitors get 3 attempts for max distance, must be a two foot takeoff and two foot landing