So – about 3 years ago, my husband finally got inside my head and told me to join Boot Camp at his CrossFit gym. I am the most stubborn woman you will ever meet, with the lowest self-esteem, so I’m still shocked to this day that I attempted this. I will never forget the first night of Boot Camp… I looked at the whiteboard and said in my head, “What in God’s name is AMRAP?… an EMOM??” Heck – I didn’t even know what an air squat was!
I did my first class and literally could not bend for days – cursed hubby for hours on end, swore I’d never return… YET, something kept me going. In fact, I took Boot Camp TWICE (I was cut off trying to sign up for the third time). I could go on and on about the beginning of my CrossFit journey, but what I’m really writing about is this fact: If you walk into OUR gym you’ll see (and become mesmerized by) inspiring people, strong people, fit as hell people, not so fit people, new people, people that are going a mile a minute, people that are going slower… you name it!
It’s a complex and mixed up group of so many freakin’ AMAZING people that it doesn’t matter how fit you are, how much you can lift, how thin you are, or if your abs are showing (although, for those that have the abs, I’m very jealous!!). Again, it doesn’t matter. Because THIS gym, this CrossFit thing is about feeling good about YOU. For a long time I had that “uncomfortable” feeling. I have skipped many classes, disappeared for a while for one reason or another, but then it hit me… JUST GO WORK OUT. Once I got this in my head, it stuck with me.
Not only is there an absolutely NO JUDGMENT ZONE at this place, but every coach knows your name. You get to meet some of the best friends you’ll end up having. You get to meet new people all the time. You get to BE YOURSELF!
So, I’m not the girl that can do toes-to-bar, handstand push-ups, rope climbs, pull-ups, or double unders. BUT, I am that girl that goes to those classes that have all these movements BECAUSE the coaches not only adapt to what you can do, but inspire you during the WOD, whether you are the person doing double-unders or the person doing singles. It doesn’t matter who can do what or who looks like they belong on fitness magazine covers (and yes, we have tons of those that I just am in awe of).
I think it’s important to put out there that if you are that girl like me, who has never been “thin,” has never had muscles show, has never had abs – it doesn’t matter because CrossFit isn’t just for the insane athletes that excel at everything… it’s for the people that excel at being COMMITTED to trying everything and anything they can, and COMMITTED to a better, healthier lifestyle. I work out and will look at others and think, “How the hell is she getting through to round 6 while I just finished round 2?!” BUT, then I stop and I remind myself – YOU ARE HERE. You are doing what they are doing. You are completing what you can with a great group of people.
CrossFit has truly changed me for the better. I have recently come to a new attitude with our gym BECAUSE I just love the people, I love the help from all the coaches, I love feeling like I walk out of that gym and did my best and was part of making myself better. It doesn’t matter how good you are at it, how fast you finish a WOD for time, or how many rounds you get in an AMRAP – IT MATTERS that you showed up! IT MATTERS that you became part of something that instills inspiration in you.
I hope I reach the individuals like me with this blog. To those amazing people that I work out with normally at 6:30pm who just kill everything they do, I praise you as well. I learn from you, but am also humbled to be able to be in your class and feel comfortable no matter how bad my power snatch may look that day! I learn from EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. Don’t ever think you can’t do this. It is possible for ANYONE. I never, ever thought I would do a box jump. Told myself that from the second I saw one happen… But, I just got my first box jump just last spring. If I can do THAT, I guess the possibilities will never end for me so long as I continue to just GO! If I reach at least one person with this, here is my message: Stick with it. It’s so worth it! CrossFit Off the Grid truly has inspired me to be better and want to be part of a community that provides so much learning, support and just so much damn FUN!
NOTE: To learn more about our Beginner’s Boot Camp, take a look at our Programs page. Or, to sign up for a FREE one-on-one consultation, visit our Get Started page! For questions, reach out to [email protected].