Fundraiser WOD for Jose “Shug” Torres @ CrossFit Off the Grid!

Recently, our friend and CrossFit Off the Grid member Jose “Shug” Torres experienced a serious accident which resulted in him having to undergo emergency surgery to remove part of his skull. Jose joined our CrossFit community in December, but has played softball with Coach Kenny for many years, and is a police officer in Vineland, NJ. The road to recovery is going to be long and hard ahead of him, so we would like to support Jose, his wife Amanda, and their family.

On April 30th, CrossFit Off the Grid will be hosting a fundraiser WOD to benefit Jose and his family in their time of crisis. We invite all of our members and the public to participate! The workout will be able to be performed by individuals of any fitness level, so please spread the word and get as many people to participate as you can.

Here are the details:

When: April 30th, 2016 at 10:00am (first come first served, we will run heats and sign-up begins at 9:30am)

Where: CrossFit Off the Grid, 1165 N. Tuckahoe Road, Williamstown, NJ 08319

Donation: $20 (100% of proceeds go to Jose and his family)

To participate, REGISTER HERE.

WOD (workout of the day) – RX for CrossFitters:

10 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:

Run 400m

10 Power Cleans 135#/95#

15 Over the Bar Burpees

WOD – Scaled for Beginners:

10 Minute AMRAP of:

Run/Walk 400m

10 Air Squats

15 Burpees

In addition to the workout light refreshments will be available. For other questions, contact [email protected]

Please note: There will be NO 9:30am or 10:30am (open-prep) class this day, but 8:30am will run as usual.



This morning one of our awesome new clients asked one of our coaches and myself if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow


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