Personal Training at CrossFit Off the Grid

CrossFit Off the Grid is excited to announce that we have teamed up with Meg Lutes of Unboxed Personal Training LLC to be our Head of Personal Training and Development!

Meg has been active her whole life playing sports, and when she entered college, she found a true passion for health and wellness. She loves working out and finding fun ways to reach goals and nothing makes her happier than helping others set goals and reach beyond them! Her two passions are fitness and special needs, and she is working diligently to learn new ways to combine the two and be successful. Unboxed Personal Training is a unique personal training service that uses creative strategies to make fitness fun and effective for people of all abilities.

Meg will be offering her personal training services exclusively at CrossFit Off the Grid!

Book a FREE :30 minute consult with Meg and map out your path to a successful fitness journey!



This morning one of our awesome new clients asked one of our coaches and myself if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow


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