The CrossFit Off the Grid Mission

After six years in the fitness industry, my mission has changed.

When I left the restaurant industry in 2015, my mission was simple: learn, grow and build a successful career through CrossFit Off the Grid.

As I evolved as a human, my mission and values changed. I learned what was truly important in life. I learned how to successfully communicate with others. I learned how to be honest and speak the truth. I learned who Nick truly was and became the man I always wanted to be.

After taking ownership of CrossFit Off the Grid in January of 2019, I knew I had to be the best version of my Self to be successful in business and in life. I started my mentorship with Two Brain in June of 2019 and they gave me the tools to focus and start to build the foundation.

Ownership has presented various challenges and I welcome them as it is another opportunity to learn and grow. We have such a caring and supportive community. We planted seeds and cut back the brambles and grew in a hundred different directions. It’s been amazing. But if you ask any member of the Off the Grid family, “What’s CrossFit Off the Grid?” you’ll get a different answer. So here it is, the CrossFit Off the Grid mission, 2020 edition:

The CrossFit Off the Grid mission is to improve the overall health and wellness of our community with positive and influential coaching.

Coaching is so much more than just teaching you how to squat properly. Coaching at CF Off the Grid is all inclusive. We want to know how well you are sleeping. We want to know how you are managing your stress. We want to help you think about your nutrition and show you how we can help. We want to help you, period. 

Why help? Because our brand of fitness is more than life-extending; it’s life-broadening.

If you cut out processed carbs and sugar and start doing squats, deadlifts and presses, you’ll live longer. But you’ll also live better. You’ll stay independent to an older age. You’ll have strength and mobility and the will to live right up until the end—you’ll practically be your own pallbearer.

You’ll be younger for longer. And while you’re young, you’ll do more things.

You’ll Spartan Up. You’ll run more races. You’ll ride your bike 100k to raise money for people you may never meet. You’ll run and play with your kids, You will go, you will see, and you will conquer. You will live a larger life.

The CrossFit Off the Grid mission is to improve the lives of 1,000 people in Gloucester County. What’s yours?

Inspiration provided by Chris Cooper at

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This morning one of our awesome new clients asked one of our coaches and myself if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow


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