Will Lifting Weights Make Me Bulky?

The short answer…it’s really hard!

It will take a lot more work than consistently showing up to the gym and performing the workout of the day. There’s a TON of moving parts so let’s make this as simple as possible.

Best case scenario: You become lean and strong by focusing on your overall health, wellness, fitness and nutrition. Let’s go step by step (ooo baby.)

STEP 1! (We can have lot’s of fun)

Let’s start with the foundation, Nutrition.
Start simply by reducing the amount of processed foods, calorie intake and alcohol consumed. You can’t outwork a bad diet. SHAMELESS PLUG: We know that pairing great workouts with a supportive environment and personalized nutrition coaching can help our members to get the body and health results that they have always wanted. Ask us about our Nutrition Coaching packages!

STEP 2! (There’s so much we can do)

Lift weights!
You will find a well thought-out approach to our programming that will provide you with a variety of movements, time domains, work-load and aerobic capacity. It will also include weight lifting! In short, you will learn how to safely lift weights under the watchful eye of our expert coaches and avoid potential injuries from the daily demands of life! Also, who doesn’t want to be more fit than their kids?!

STEP 3! (It’s just you and me)

It’s the cheapest way to boost your immune system and recover from day to day stresses! Not only does it reduce cortisol levels which helps you fight off infections, but you are also actively fighting off sicknesses in your sleep. Read more here: http://crossfitoffthegrid.com/the-cheapest-way-to-boost-your-immunity-is/

STEP 4! (I can give you more)

Treat yo self! Aka, take care of your mentals. Aka, De-stress!
Including but not limited to; meditation, massage, float therapy, journaling, reading, professional therapy, mindset coaching (coming soon at CF Off the Grid!)

Worst Case Scenario! I GOT BULKY!


Eat a ton of really clean food.
This will require you to open up the wallet as you will need to increase your budget during your weekly grocery shopping trips. Oh, you will also have to weigh and measure everything you plan to consume, other than water and coffee. Not to mention, you will be eating a ton, but not crap because you will just end up feeling fat and bloated. Oh almost forgot to mention, NO ALCOHOL! Your body will be too busy processing the surplus of calories. Have fun!


Lift weights!
Fun fact: just as often as the person who ends up lean and healthy.


Sleep a ton!
But it’s not just hours that matter, it’s quality. This will require you to purchase a sleep tracking device/prescription, black-out curtains, constant temperature of 68 degrees or below in the house, no dogs or pets in the bed, and no staying out late! Good luck!


But not just your go-to methods. Time to invest in some movement and recovery coaching. As you have been bulking and adding on extra muscle-mass, your joints have taken quite the beating. Your day to day activities are taking much more of a toll on your body then when you were 15# lighter pre-bulking season.

To sum it up, if you are concerned about bulking up while lifting weights, you are not a candidate for bulking.

If you are interested in increasing your overall health and wellness, learning about better nutrition, and having fun, (SHAMELESS PLUG #2) book a Free No-Sweat Intro so we can learn how to help you meet your goals – crossfitoffthegrid.com



This morning one of our awesome new clients asked one of our coaches and myself if working out, increasing strength, and improving fitness would allow


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