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Meet our RD Jill Kalitz!

Everyone started somewhere, even our Nutrition Coaches! Today, Coach Jill speaks to how she got to this point and what made her want a career as a Registered Dietician. “Growing up I always had a good relationship with food, myself and my body image, until one day, I didn’t. The

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Nutrition Whiteboard – Pumpkin!

This weeks Nutrition Whiteboard is Pumpkin! YES PUMPKIN! Pumpkin is an impressively nutritious food. It’s packed with nutrients and has under 50 calories per cooked cup (245 g). It can be purchased canned, frozen or fresh like all other fruit. When buying canned (the most common source when cooking) be

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The CrossFit Off the Grid Mission

After six years in the fitness industry, my mission has changed. When I left the restaurant industry in 2015, my mission was simple: learn, grow and build a successful career through CrossFit Off the Grid. As I evolved as a human, my mission and values changed. I learned what was

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Nutrition Myths: Late Night Snacking!

For this week’s nutrition myth, we’re focusing on a question that we get frequently as nutrition coaches, “Will eating late at night make me gain weight?” The answer is really simple: NO! When it comes to losing fat or gaining muscle, the factor that effects this the most is Calories

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Finding an Outlet

Nine times out of ten I can connect a feeling or emotion to an activity. Surfing is one of the only things in my life that I struggle to put into words the feelings and joy that come with it. I think it’s very important to find an outlet that

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Nutrition Myths: Plant Based Protein

As our Myth Busting series continues, Coach Madison breaks down how we CAN get enough protein in our plant based diets! The key with plant based diets when compared to animal based diets is to remember that animal proteins contain more protein per serving than plant based proteins. When following

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Nutrition Myths: Fats!

Does eating fat make your body store fat? Dietary fat does NOT make you store body fat!! Our body stores fat when we are eating a surplus of calories. We CAN eat a moderate or high fat diet and maintain our weight/ body composition. Some people even LOSE significant amounts

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Nutrition Myths!

With so much information readily available on the internet, it’s hard to decipher what’s true and what’s not when it comes to nutrition. It seems to be that each year there is the latest trending or fad diet that everyone is doing. That’s why our next series of topics are

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“One Day” w/ Nick

I used to think that waking up before 10am was impressive. I envied those who were up at 6am and had already accomplished more than I would that entire day. I always thought “One day” but put off taking ownership and making the changes necessary to start living the reality

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Holistic Eating

Have you ever heard the term “Holsitic Eating”? Have you ever wondered what exactly that means? Coach Madison breaks it down for you! When the term Holistic Eating is being used, it’s referring to eating healthy foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Examples of holistic

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